Veronese Villas

Villa Arvedi in Cuzzano (Grezzana) has been documented as belonging to Mastino, Alberto and Cangrande della Scala as far back as 1200. In 1432, it was described as an “estate with a crenellated house, a wine press and an oil press.” Located along the slope of a hill and surrounded by ancient olive groves and a dense oak and hornbeam wood. About halfway through 1650, the villa was built on the design of the architect G.B. Bianchi, with its current form. All the frescoes in the salon on the frst foor and the chapel are by Ludivico Dorigny (1654-1742). The villa contains other frescoes by Farinati, Fralezza and santo Prunati. In the centre of back court, there is a chapel dedicated to San Carlo Borromeo, who is said to have been a guest here during his voyage to the Council of Trent in 1485. The majestic seventeenth century complex of what was then called Villa Allegri was purchased in 1824 by Giovanni Antonio Arvedi and the villa remains in the hands of the Arvedi family today. Now called Villa Arvedi, it is located 9 kilometres from Verona, within a few kilometres of highway exits and Verona’s Catullo di Villafranca Airport, and close to Lake Garda, in the verdant Valpantena valley at the feet of the Lessinia mountains.
It is a prestigious place for conferences, seminars, press conferences, fashion shows, product presentations, films, TV commercials, working breakfasts, gala dinners and small and large meetings. The healthy air of the countryside, the refined and evocative atmosphere and charm of a Veneto villa makes this place an extraordinary place for work and pleasure.

Villa Arvedi – Grezzana (VR)

+39  045 90 7045 – +39 348 22 07 298