Arche Scaligere

The perennial dwellings of Verona’s greatest figures

A Gothic jewelbox called the Arche Scaligere recounts the spirituals tension of the city’s lords. At the Church of Santa Maria Antica, next to the Piazza dei Signori, one can admire the Gotic monumental tombs of the Scala family members. Enclosed within a splendid wrought iron fence, one finds several sarcophagi placed on the earth and on shelves.

The ones that stand out are the marble canopy tombs of Cangrande I, of Mastino II and of Cansignorio. The suspended arch of Cangrande I presents a sarcopagus upheld by dogs bearing the Scala coat of arms, and it is protected by a Gothc tabernacle. On its cover is the supine staute of Cangrande I. The arch of Mastino II is surrounded by a fence with religious motifs, and one on the cover, there is a statue of Mastino II lying decorated, has an hexaognal base, upon wich stands the grand equestrian statue of the deceased sovereign.