Piazza Bra

The living room of the city

Its name derives from a contraction of Braida, wich is a toponimo probably deriving from the German word “breit”, meaning wide, wich is justificable by its considerable extension, of the least 6000 square meters.

From the middle of teh 12th century onwards, it housed an important lumber, hay and cattle market, wich culminated, in 1897, with the birth of the famous horse fair, or Verona Fieracavalli.
The square started taking on its today’s appearance diurng the first half of the 16th century,when the architect Michele Sanmicheli inaugurated in today’s row of buildings by building the Palazzo degli Honorii, or Palazzo Guastaverza. It wasn’t until after the Valpolicella pink marble
paving of the Liston promenade, between 1770 and 1782, that Piazza Bra took on its today’s appearance with numerous bars and restaurants, a favorite piace far the people of Verona to enjoy life. At the numerous café tables Verona people and tourists alike savor prelibati, dishes and ice cream, or sip their aperitits, admiring one of the most beautitul squares of the city, and the graceful strolfing of its beautiful people.

At the center of the square, the splendid gardens and dancing fauntain offer a perfect spot far rest and recuperation during the hot months.
Looking around the square, one sees the handsome entrance gate called Portoni della Bra, with its famous clock, and characterized by two arches and crenellation, dating back to the end of the 14th century, when the citywas under the rule of Gian Galeazzo Visconti. To the right of the gate one finds the Museo Lapidario Maffeiano, and to the left there is the Palazzo della Gran Guardia, used far an exhibits and cultural events. One of the most outstanding buildings is the Gran Guardia Nuova, mostly known as Palazzo Barbieri, which was once an Austrian military center and today the town hall.